Intelligent, bubbly and energetic lady is looking for an educated man with passion!

Female | 30-40

Facts: 38 jaar, living in The Hague (The Netherlands)

She has a sweet and warm appearance with her big expressive eyes and half-long blonde locks. She was born and raised in a warm family in Russia, so her Russian roots are definitely present.

Although she wanted to study Psychology, she went to study Engineering in Moscow on the advice of her father. She has always been tremendously driven and eager to learn. Not just at school but definitely outside it too. Learning new languages was also one of her great passions and she decided to study Norwegian and left for love to Norway. Not just to live, but to study at one of the best Technical Universities there where she got her second master’s degree.

After her studies, she got a good job for one of the largest oil companies in the world. For six years, she flew to various places around the world for her work after which she decided it was time to settle down. She moved to the Netherlands, where she still enjoys living and working very much today.

She is an innovative and extraordinary woman. She is full of positive energy and radiates a lot of zest for life. Both within her career and outside it, she likes to do right by people around her. She took a cooking course, a massage course and even flew to India for training in meditation and yoga. She also obtained her diploma in breathing therapy with which she helped several young women in Kazakhstan. She sees opportunities and possibilities in everything and everyone around her.

Besides this impressive career and side activities, she also likes to make time for sports and hanging out with friends. She goes swimming three times a week and enjoys playing a game of tennis. She also enjoys the occasional beer or wine in a café, going out for a bite to eat and cultural trips to the theater, dance performances, films and museums. Preferably fine-art rather than commercial events.

She is attracted to a man who is intelligent, entrepreneurial and internationally oriented. She is a true citizen of the world and can adapt easily, she would therefore like it if a man is strong and wants to grow together with her. He is caring, romantic, loyal, ambitious and inspiring. He can certainly be a bit older too, as long as he is an educated man with passion!

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Intelligent, bubbly and energetic lady is looking for an educated man with passion!





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