Dating FAQ? everything about the new standard in personal matchmaking here!                    


Most frequently asked questions about dating and personal matchmaking!

Are there more women or men registered at DTNG.?

Currently there are as many men as women registered. The ratio is 50-50. There’s ample choice in the database for each subscription. If the search is very specific, then we’ll also search outside the database.

How many dates do I get through DTNG.?

Practice shows us that the first date usually takes place within 6 weeks. But we search intensively for a year and part of this matchmaking process are honest feedback, coaching, and guidance.

What happens if the search stagnates?

In our work as matchmakers, we have experienced that in order to find your ideal partner, you must be happy with yourself. The better you know yourself, the easier you’ll recognize the person who’s right for you. And we don’t just mean the nice and strong aspects of your personality, but also your obstacles and pitfalls. Because, let’s face it, we all have those, right? This is sometimes easier said than done. We’re matchmakers who’ll look for your match, but professional coaches we’re not, that’s a profession in itself. Since matching is our thing, we have managed to find our perfect match in this field and we are the proud partners of Anouk Boering. Anouk is an experienced coach who specializes in ‘reinventing yourself ‘. Who are you really? Who really fits you well? Which direction would you like your life to take and what needs to be cleaned up because it’s stopping you? Anouk has developed a program that allows the answers to these questions to be found. More info: or ask your matchmaker. Clients of DTNG. get a special rate from Anouk. Of course the two processes are totally separate and we will only refer you if necessary and after consultation with you.