Warm, authentic woman with a strong personality is seeking a “worldly”, passionate man who is down to earth

Female | 40-60

Facts: 53 years old and 1.78m tall, living in The Netherlands and partially in Germany

An empathetic, confident, and warm woman. She spent much of her youth living abroad due to her father’s work, gaining extensive knowledge about other cultures. She has since grown into a powerful independent woman with a warm personality. A proud mother of two children (high school age).

After completing her Master’s in Communication and Media Studies  (at the University), she embarked on an impressive career. With her immense empathy, drive, and independence, she has risen to the highest level of a well-known international player. For several years now, she has been a Senior Executive, overseeing a team of 1000+ people. Despite the demands her work places on her time and energy, she derives immense satisfaction from her profession.

She is a woman who has always forged her own path. She is very authentic and independent, but also incredibly warm and loving. Both professionally and personally, she is naturally proactive. ‘Mothering’ was never her goal, but she greatly enjoys her children, and their bond is strong! She and her children embark on wonderful journeys together and enjoy all kinds of adventures. Even in her free time, she doesn’t like to sit still. From deep-sea fishing, visiting museums and beautiful cities to cooking elaborate meals with fine wines at home. She has built several loyal and long-lasting friendships and truly treats her best friends as family.

She leads a fine and fulfilling life and values a man who shares the same lifestyle as hers. The man who suits her has an open mind, is broadly interested, has a strong drive, and is passionate about what he does. An intellectual sparring partner, worldly and down to earth. A man who sees and embraces her in all forms for the fantastic woman she is!

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Warm, authentic woman with a strong personality is seeking a “worldly”, passionate man who is down to earth





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