Powerful, caring, warm woman with beautiful curves seeks charismatic entrepreneur who desires to build a family

Female | 30-40

Facts: 36 years old, living close to Amsterdam

She is a caring, loyal, strong, and authentic woman. A striking beauty with blonde hair, radiant eyes, and lovely feminine curves. A true entrepreneur at heart, always following her own path! Raised in an entrepreneurial family where love for family and passion for business were always at the core.

Even as a child, she was always eager to roll up her sleeves. At a young age, she took the plunge to start her own business—and successfully so! It has grown into a large and thriving company. She is now slowly looking to step back a bit from the business. After years of hard work, she feels it’s time to focus more on her personal life, giving it the attention and love it deserves.

She is energetic, loyal, warm, funny, and honest; a no-nonsense, straightforward woman who knows when to be direct. After a long workday, she can happily relax at home, but she also values maintaining her social connections. She enjoys having dinner together, sharing a glass of wine now and then, taking spontaneous trips to Ibiza, or skiing in the mountains. She also takes good care of herself, both inside and out. She regularly goes for a run and occasionally plays a game of padel. She’s a woman who has everything well organized. Having achieved a lot at a relatively young age, she appreciates being able to connect with like-minded people.

She wants to enjoy a good life, preferably with a great man by her side. It’s important to her that he is entrepreneurial, charismatic, reliable, and (financially) independent. An articulate man with a rich social life and a passion to enjoy the (small) things in life, who takes the initiative to spontaneously go out together. Ideally, a successful entrepreneur who desires to build a family. If he already has children, they are more than welcome.

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Powerful, caring, warm woman with beautiful curves seeks charismatic entrepreneur who desires to build a family





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