Successful entrepreneur and adventurer seeks slim, ‘natural beauty’ who loves sailing

Male | 60+

Facts: 60 years old, 1.90m tall, and residing in Amsterdam – but planning to sail around the world

He is a cheerful, social, and charismatic man. Handsome and impeccably groomed, he is delightful company. He leads a vibrant and adventurous life, but he has also worked hard for it.

After completing his studies, he started his own practice. The entrepreneurial spirit within him quickly turned his business into a renowned name both domestically and internationally. He knows what he’s doing and what he stands for. He has always worked hard, but he also has immense passion for his profession.

In two years, he plans to sail around the world with a beautiful sailboat (catamaran). Enjoying the serenity of the water and waking up amidst palm trees in the Caribbean. Starting the day with a refreshing dive from his boat. Occasionally, friends and family fly in to join them for a week of sailing. A boat where meaningful conversations take place and connections are formed because ultimately, that’s what life is about. There will also be travel back and forth to the Netherlands and other countries. On one hand, it’s an ‘endless voyage’ by boat, but at the same time, it’s also possible to maintain a social life in the Netherlands/Europe. Finding a balance together that feels right😊.

He is a loyal friend and proud father (and grandfather). He loves cooking and leads a culinary life, but rarely drinks alcohol himself. However, he greatly enjoys going to the theater or film museum. He is often on the go and enjoys surrounding himself with friendly people, young and old. And although he has his affairs in order very well, he can truly appreciate the ‘simple’ things in life.

Especially with his goal to go sailing, he values that his future partner truly shares this desire. He seeks an enterprising, internationally oriented lady. A slender, natural beauty who knows herself well and has cleared her ‘baggage.’ A ‘free spirit’ with a kind and caring character. Preferably, she is younger than 50 years old. She enjoys getting her hands dirty and feels comfortable on the water, but is also well-groomed and exudes positive ‘Feminine’ energy. She doesn’t have a huge career drive (anymore) and/or young children, and therefore has the freedom to explore the world together with him.

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Successful entrepreneur and adventurer seeks slim, ‘natural beauty’ who loves sailing





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